In the equation of CML(Capital Market Line) i.e. E(Rp)=Rf+(Sharpe Ratio of Market portfolio)*Sigma_p, Sanjay sir said that the ‘Sharpe ratio of the market’ is the highest in the world. What did he mean by that? Does this mean that a ...Read more
SSEI Q Forum Latest Questions
How does the American Put get affected in the presence of dividends? I mean to ask, why does the probability of early exercise of Put become less probable in the presence of dividends?
Sir u taught us one formula of bets calculation that:- COV(X,Y)/VARIANCE OF m = B sir in this formula x is market and y is stock, it means we are calculating beta of stock with respect to market using covariance b/w x ...Read more
Sir , when we have a portfolio which is perfect negatively co-related ( risk free ) Then in that portfolio how we can calculate it’s avg return it should also be zero Rise in value of one stock cancel by the fall ...Read more
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