1) India & UK. Where Repo rate is the rate where banks can borrow loan from selling the securities to the CB & while repurchasing the collateral they pay a higher price. This difference when stated in percentage terms is ...
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When we say that a large country may gain from imposing a tariff we mean that if the the large country imposes tariff then the world price may fall, due to decrease in world demand. Therefore the gain must be ...
Any idea about Ricardian Equivalence? In Fiscal Deficit? Please use simplest language to explain it.
Both A and C seems to be correct answer, and in my view A is most direct outcome, then why is C the correct answer Q] GBP/EUR spot rate 0.8752 One- month forward points –1.4 The best interpretation of the forward discount shown ...
Please explain the reason behind “Increases in the ratio of consumer installment debt follows increases in average aggregate income during the typical business cycle.” If income increases, then shouldn’t the ratio decrease since income is in denominator??
Can someone explain the highlighted portion of the below answer. My doubt is that drop in Interest rates should boost economy but here it is written that it will lead to a fall in economic activity:- Q] When the spread between ...