Sir my doubt is In the first question, which is from May 24, RTP Inflation rate is applied cumulatively for each year i.e for ...
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Advise the steps should be taken, if bank is required to maintain a credit Balance of Swiss Francs 30,000 in the Nostro A/c and keep as overbought position on Swiss Francs 10,000? How the two transactions “Bill ...
Rate is given as 68.20/10 Will we take it as googly ki rate ulta hai or we take it is as 68.20/69.10 ? And why?
Sir, in Q we have taken swap points for INR as 0.2100 because it was written “paise” along with swap points but in EUR we took 0.0040 although, ...
Sir in this qn. $/€ -direct but in same qn $/£ is indirect , in begining of forex you said that in one qn different rate shall we ...
In forward premium or discount on a currency topic, we use S* for the normal profit but why we use Forward Rate as S*?
In this sum of leading and lagging, we have borrowed Rupees from bank in Alternative 1. So why are we not borrowing rupees in alternative 2 where we need to pay after ...